Gain the Back-end developer skills
in 8 months
Individual feedback from your professors
Guaranteed employment assistance
Teamwork and practical tasks
German state certificate, valued by employers all over Europe
IT education in Germany
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Backend developer is…
Who is a Back-end developer?
A Back-end developer creates the backend of websites and applications.

You'll learn how to develop everything hidden inside websites and applications.
For example:

— Algorithms that are responsible for functions within websites
— Data structures that allow information to be stored and transmitted
The salary of a senior Back-end developer is around 120,000 euros per year
IT companies are looking for 25,000 Back-end Developers right now
Back-end Developer course takes 8 months
About us
____________Our school issues valuable for employers German state certificate, valued by employers all over Europe. That is your main advantage over the other candidates who have completed "a simple online IT course".

____________There are no "recorded lectures", only live lessons, team work and real projects. We give a serious fundamental and applied education. There are 960 hours of the best up-to-date practices.
____________Tel-Ran's professors are practitioners and stars of the IT industry. They use their own curated teaching methods and give prompt and valuable feedback.
About us
  • You will be helped all the way from the beginnigns of your education with us, to internship, and employment.

  • Our graduates currently work in the leading companies in IT industry.
A story
Your new path starts here ...
You are making a huge change in your life. Now you are becoming a demand IT-specialist.

All right, keep it up!
1 month later
You’ve just finished your education and got your certificate. Congratulations, now you are a certified specialist!

You’ve met a lot of like-minded people and gained IT superpowers. Now your employment in Europe is guaranteed.

Welcome to the best life!
6 months later
You’ve taken a job in a European startup.

You work in a promising team of perspective specialists.

You develop the product and your skills together. You’re getting better every single day.
1 year later
You’ve grown to the Senior developer!

You earn about 120k euros a year and lead a team.

Who would have guessed?
Now people come to you for advice. You teach them.
3 years later
4 years later, you run a company and earn about 140 000 euros a year. You fully control your life and work from any place in the world.

You’ve won. Furthermore, why not organize your own business?
Point B
The very beginning of your path. You have a typical job that you don’t really enjoy.

There is no career growth.
Point A
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What will you do during your education?
How the education program works
career coaching and employment support throughout the entire journey
get German state certificate, valued by employers all over Europe
build your first professional portfolio
watch lectures in real time
solve practical tasks in a team
communicate with professors and receive feedback
meet like-minded people
earn points and spend them on various bonuses
(such as monitors, laptops, headphones, keyboards, computer mice, etc.)
communicate with your
career advisor and prepare for the interviews
During education
The course program
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Who you will learn from
Learn from the best IT-specialists
Meet our professors
Anna E.
Experience: 7 years
Middle Java AQA in GlobalLogic, earlier — manual testing in G5 Games
Yuri A.
Experience: 6 years
Full-stack developer, previously worked at Synergy Digital and Cross Agency
Yuri A.
Experience: 15 years
Senior Software Engineer and Team Lead at Edisoft
Gegam B.
Experience: 12 years
Product Director
Technical Director
Executive Director
Nelly E.
Experience: 5 years
Co-Founder and Managing Director at PROG Center
Frontend Development Instructor (JS, React) at SberUniversity
Project Manager at TIARCENTER
Philip P.
Experience: 6 years
Senior Software Engineer at Epam Systems
A certificate
This certificate is your new superpower!
Our programs are government certified in Germany. All graduates get a German certificate of additional professional education which is valued by employers in Germany and all around the world.
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Students’ reviews
Our students’ reviews
"Most teachers are experts in their fields. They present the material interestingly and fully answer the questions."
"I loved the calm pace of learning, friendly lecturers and solving tasks together with motivated students. You can always ask a question and they would be happy to answer."
"I balance studying and work, so I loved the opportunity to watch recorded lessons. I managed to catch up and revise all I missed."
"Teachers always supported me. I ask a lot of questions in order to learn the material completely. I had a lot of help and feedback, it is valuable."
"I liked the way teachers told the material. It was clear and proper. I think accurate and definite explanations are very important in education. There were no troubles with it."
Alina Marchenko
Maria Larina
Vladimir Denisov
Ruslan Ragimov
Alexandr Sorokin
Other opportunities
You are unemployed now
You are registered in JOBCENTER and AGENTUR FÜR ARBEIT or you are planning to register
You have been living in Germany for about a year or more
Your English level is B1-B2
Take a test
You have completed advanced or specialized secondary education
Get funding assistance
We will help you get government funding __covering 100% of the cost__ of your course if:
If you suit this criteria, please take this short test. We will assess your chances.
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Leave an application and our experts will tell you about the programs in detail
Tech school Tel-Ran. Since 1993

Teaching IT professions and assisting with employment