Let's start simple
During the first 3 months, you will immerse yourself in the IT field.
You will understand how it is structured, what it consists of, and who is responsible for what.
Don't worry - we will gradually immerse you in the base. You'll learn to stand firm on your acquired IT knowledge and understand what programmers are talking about. Only after that will we move on to a full immersion in IT - the progressive module.
1. Visual studio code installation
2. Project structure, div, classes and indents
3. Review of new tags
4. Advanced working with styles, units of measurement
5. Display flex
6. Working with forms
7. Positioning
8. Pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, animated transition
9. Variables, conditional operator
10. Loops and arrays
11. Working with objects
12. Variables, conditional operator
13. Loops and arrays
14. Working with objects
15. Functions, methods
16. DOM (search for elements and change the values)
17. JS. DOM (creating elements)
18. JS. DOM (event processing)
19. JS. DOM (working with styles)
20. JS. Form processing. Event object.
1. Introduction part, Languages Programming, Java history, JDK, «Hello, World»
2. Project, Package, Class, Method
3. Variables. Keyboard input
4. Variables and data types
5. Methods
6. Boolean. Logical expressions
7. If...else
8. Switch...case, ternary operator
9. Loops. For
10. Loops. while, do...while
11. Arrays
12. Arrays. Search and sorting
13. String, StringBuilder, StringBuffer
14. Main method, introduction to JUnit testing
1. Introduction to Linux
2. Introductary commands
3. Redirection, writing and appending
4. Vi + Nano & SSH
5. Numeral systems, scripts and permissions
6. CPU info locate find cron
7. GIT
1. Introduction. History of testing. What testing is, who testers are.
2. Systems development life cycle. Project management
3. Quality standard, scale of types of testing
4. Bug, bug reporting
5. Mind maps, using mind maps in testing
6. Testing process
7. Test analysis
8. Test case and check-list. Exploratory testing
9. Test design: equivalence classes, boundary values
10. Test design: decision tables
11. Test design: state transition diagrams
12. Test design: White-box method, combinatorics
13. Web Testing
After this, we will move on to the Professional Module and dive deeper into your specialty.