You are making a huge change in your life. Now you are becoming a demand IT-specialist.
All right, keep it up!
You’ve just finished your education and got your certificate. Congratulations, now you are a certified specialist!
You’ve met a lot of like-minded people and gained IT superpowers. Now your employment in Europe is guaranteed.
Welcome to the best life!
You’ve taken a job in a European startup.
You work in a promising team of perspective specialists.
You develop the product and your skills together. You’re getting better every single day.
You’ve grown to the Senior developer!
You earn about 120k euros a year and lead a team.
Who would have guessed?
Now people come to you for advice. You teach them.
4 years later, you run a company and earn about 140 000 euros a year. You fully control your life and work from any place in the world.
You’ve won. Furthermore, why not organize your own business?
The very beginning of your path. You have a typical job that you don’t really enjoy.
There is no career growth.